
Ilhaam - connected networks

About Us

By Sultan Sheikh Mehmet blessings 1,5 year ago I have been  in touch with a Bishop from Cape Town South-Africa. His name is Pastor Abraham and he is working among the Christian community among the poor and the needy.

We have asked some murids to help Pastor Abraham in this.

From  Last year when Sheikh Mehmet was in Glastonbury I have spoken with our Sultan about Pastor Abraham and the good work he is doing.

Sheikh Mehmet has ordered to go to South Africa to meet pastor Abraham as just last January by Sheikh Mehmet blessings we went for 12 days to meet pastor Abraham and he has arranged unification meeting in Cape Town with different Pastors we have visited different churches and met the Christian community. We did this with brother Lutfie van Rody and his family and the brothers that are close to him.

Sheikh Mehmet has arranged to do this work of unification with brother Lutfie van Rodie who is a Mukadim  and has Ijazah from Sheikh Mehmet for Dhikr Sohbah and to give Bayah.

There are also older murids in Cape Town who are Mukadim’s but this was arranged by Sultan Sheikh Mehmet.

It was a prived meeting working togather for unification moslims  Christians.  It is just a complete new opening for Dawah to bring the message of Love to stand togather as one Family.

We have a lot of pictures about this unification January 2018.

Will be nice to share the experience to help each other in the message of Love of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Q.S. through our Sultan Sheikh Mehmet ArRabbani.


Wa Salaam

Ahmad Dede 

Links to Our Projects


Contact Details

Main Contact: Achmad Dede Pattisahusiwa

Mobile: +31 624902640

Website: N/A


Zikr Meeting Details

Time: 9pm

Day: Thursday’s

Venue: Mosque BaiturRahman City, Ridderkerk, Holland

Postcode: 2982XK 

Active In

Weekly zikr meeting

Feeding the homeless

Engaging the Muslim and non-Muslim communities of Holland and Cape Town, South Africa