Ilhaam Foodbank Rotherham

High on our priorities has been to start Ilhaam Foodbank Rotherham. The Ilhaam team have been looking for ways where we could be active in the community and make a positive impact on peoples’ lives. We know that taking on such a responsibility requires a great deal of effort.

Start Something Amazing

Are you ready to make a difference? Click the button below and be ready to start something amazing. The Possibilities Are Endless You might be thinking that you’ve never done anything for the ‘greater good’, you’re not part of a large group or there’s only you and a few friends / family and yet you… Continue reading Start Something Amazing

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Join Our Network

At Ilhaam we want our network to cover the whole of the UK. Whether you are an individual, a family or a group (small or large) with a focus to be active in your community please join our network? The benefits of joining our network include; Formal association with a network that is focused on… Continue reading Join Our Network

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